Womens' Right to Privacy in Health Care Decisions
I have a life-long track record of supporting a woman’s right to decide, along with her medical professional her medical decisions. I am deeply concerned about government interference on any level of women’s health choices
We have a housing crisis 20 years in the making, and it will take a lot of ideas and steps to start to rebuild our housing inventory at all levels. I have 30 years of experience in zoning, planning, programming and finance of housing development. I am proud to be the 2023 recipient of Housing Action NH’s Advocate of the Year award.
Public Schools
I am proud to be educated in the public schools of Concord. My children also received a great education, and now my grandchildren. Not only is school funding an on-going issue, but the very existence of our schools is at risk. Additionally, I have faith in our teachers to teach without interference from outside influences.
Climate and Clean Energy
We cannot ignore the warnings of climate change and the need for clean energy to be affordable for all citizens to access.